Strictly speaking the true defintion of a Phobia is an excessive, psychologically disabling fear of something. However a phobia has now come to mean any irrational and inexplicable fear of something.
I have tried to make this list as comprehensive as possible, even to the point of including "made up" phobias from literature. I have also tried to prevent duplicate entries by grouping phobias that are the same in the alternate names column instead of listing them separately. If you think there is a phobia I have missed, another name for one of the phobias already listed, or that I have duplicated an entry please Contact Me with the details and I will amend the list as soon as I can.
Phobia | Alternate Name | Description |
Ablutophobia | Fear of washing or bathing | |
Acarophobia | Fear of itching or of the insects who's bites cause itching | |
Acerophobia | Fear of sourness | |
Achluophobia | Lygophobia Nyctophobia Scotophobia | Fear of darkness or night |
Acousticophobia | Fear of noise | |
Acrophobia | Altophobia | Fear of heights |
Aelurophobia | Ailurophobia Elurophobia Felinophobia Galeophobia Gatophobia | Fear of cats |
Aeronausiphobia | Fear of vomiting due to airsickness | |
Aerophobia | Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne noxious substances | |
Aeroacrophobia | Fear of open high places | |
Afrophobia | Fear or dislike of Africans or African culture or people of African ancestry | |
Agateophobia | Dementophobia Maniaphobia | Fear of insanity |
Agliophobia | Algophobia Odynophobia Odynephobia | Fear of pain |
Agoraphobia | Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place | |
Agraphobia | Contreltophobia | Fear of sexual abuse |
Agrizoophobia | Fear of wild animals | |
Agyrophobia | Dromophobia | Fear of streets or crossing the street |
Aibohphobia | Fear of palindromes | |
Aichmophobia | Belonephobia Enetophobia | Fear of needles or pointed objects |
Albuminurophobia | Fear of kidney disease | |
Alektorophobia | Fear of chickens | |
Alliumphobia | Fear of garlic, that may extend to a variety of plants characterized by their pungent odor including onions, leeks, chives, and shallots. Allium is the onion genus | |
Allodoxaphobia | Fear of opinions | |
Amathophobia | Koniophobia | Fear of dust |
Amaxophobia | Fear of riding in a car | |
Ambulophobia | Stasibasiphobia Stasiphobia | Fear of walking or standing |
Amerophobia | Columbophobia | Fear of the United States, American culture, etc. |
Amnesiphobia | Fear of amnesia | |
Amychophobia | Fear of scratches or being scratched | |
Anablephobia | Fear of looking up | |
Ancraophobia | Anemophobia | Fear of wind |
Androphobia | Arrhenphobia Hominophobia | Fear of men |
Anginophobia | Fear of angina, choking or narrowness, quinsy or other forms of sore throat | |
Anglophobia | Fear of England, English culture, etc | |
Angrophobia | Fear of anger or of becoming angry | |
Ankylophobia | Fear of immobility of joints | |
Anthrophobia | Anthophobia | Fear of flowers |
Anthropophobia | Fear of people or society | |
Antidaeophobia | Fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you (fictional, from Gary Larson cartoon) | |
Antlophobia | Fear of floods | |
Anuptaphobia | Fear of staying single | |
Apeirophobia | Fear of infinity | |
Aphenphosmphobia | Chiraptophobia Haphephobia Haptephobia | Fear of being touched |
Apiophobia | Apiphobia Melissaphobia Melissophobia | Fear of bees |
Apotemnophobia | Fear of persons with amputations | |
Aquaphobia | Fear of water, specifically the morbid fear of drowning | |
Arachibutyrophobia | Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth | |
Arcanophobia | Arachnephobia | Fear of magic |
Arachnophobia | Fear of spiders | |
Arithmophobia | Fear of numbers | |
Arsonphobia | Pyrophobia | Fear of fire |
Asthenophobia | Fear of fainting or weakness | |
Astraphobia | Astrapophobia Brontophobia Ceraunophobia Keraunophobia Tonitrophobia | Fear of thunder and lightning. It is especially common in young children |
Astrophobia | Fear of stars and celestial space | |
Asymmetriphobia | Fear of asymmetry | |
Ataxiophobia | Fear of ataxia (unsteady and clumsy motion of the limbs or trunk due to a failure of the gross coordination of muscle movements) | |
Ataxophobia | Fear of disorder or untidiness | |
Atelophobia | Fear of imperfection | |
Atephobia | Fear of ruin or ruins | |
Athazagoraphobia | Fear of being forgotten, ignored or forgetting | |
Atomosophobia | Fear of atomic explosions | |
Atychiphobia | Kakorrhaphiophobia | Fear of failure |
Aulophobia | Fear of flutes | |
Aurophobia | Fear of gold | |
Auroraphobia | Fear of the Northern Lights or for Chileans, Argentinians, Falkland Islanders or Antarctic explorers, fear of the Southern Lights | |
Australophobia | Novahollandiaphobia | Fear of Australia, Australians, Australian culture etc |
Autodysomophobia | Fear that one has a nasty odour or is dirty | |
Automatonophobia | Fear of any inanimate object that represents a sentient being, eg. statues, dummies, robots, etc. | |
Automysophobia | Fear of being dirty | |
Autophobia | Eremophobia Ermitophibia Isolophobia Monophobia | Fear of being alone or fear of oneself |
Aviophobia | Aviatophobia Pteromerhanophobia | Fear of flying |
Phobia | Alternate Name | Description |
Bacillophobia | Microbiophobia | Fear of microbes |
Bacteriophobia | Fear of bacteria | |
Ballistophobia | Fear of missiles or bullets | |
Bananaphobia | Fear of bananas | |
Barleyphobia | Fear of barley | |
Bolshephobia | Fear of Bolsheviks | |
Barophobia | Fear of gravity, or the loss of gravity | |
Basophobia | Basiphobia | Fear of falling, inability to stand |
Bathmophobia | Fear of stairs or steep slopes, walking | |
Bathophobia | Fear of depth | |
Batophobia | Fear of heights or of being close to high buildings | |
Batrachophobia | Fear of amphibians | |
Belomophobia | Fear of needles | |
Belonephobia | Fear of pins and needles | |
Bibliophobia | Fear of books | |
Blennophobia | Myxophobia | Fear of slime |
Bogyphobia | Fear of demons and goblins | |
Botanophobia | Fear of plants | |
Briophobia | Fear of the human foot | |
Bromidrosiphobia | Bromidrophobia | Fear of bodily odours |
Bufonophobia | Fear of toads | |
Buttonphobia | Fear of buttons |
Phobia | Alternate Name | Descripti |
Pagophobia | Fear of ice or frost | |
Panthophobia | Fear of suffering and disease | |
Panophobia | Pantophobia | Fear of everything |
Papaphobia | Fear of the Pope | |
Papyrophobia | Fear of paper | |
Paralipophobia | Fear of neglecting duty or responsibility | |
Paraphobia | Fear of sexual perversion | |
Parasitophobia | Fear of parasites | |
Paraskavedekatriaphobia | Fear of Friday the 13th | |
Parthenophobia | Fear of virgins or young girls | |
Pathophobia | Fear of disease | |
Patroiophobia | Fear of heredity | |
Pediculophobia | Phthiriophobia | Fear of lice |
Pediophobia | Fear of dolls | |
Pediphobia | Pedophobia | Fear of children |
Peladophobia | Fear of bald people | |
Pellagrophobia | Fear of pellagra | |
Peniaphobia | Fear of poverty | |
Pentheraphobia | Fear of one's mother-in-law | |
Phagophobia | Fear of swallowing, eating or of being eaten | |
Phalacrophobia | Fear of becoming bald | |
Phallophobia | Fear of a penis, esp. erect | |
Pharmacophobia | Fear of taking medicine | |
Phasmophobia | Spectrophobia | Fear of ghosts |
Phengophobia | Fear of daylight or sunshine | |
Philemaphobia | Philematophobia | Fear of kissing |
Philophobia | Fear of falling in love or being in love | |
Philosophobia | Fear of philosophy | |
Phobophobia | Fear of phobias | |
Phobophobiaphobia | Fear of fear of phobias | |
Photoaugliaphobia | Fear of glaring lights | |
Photophobia | Fear of light (also refers to aversion to light due to an inflamed/painful eye or excessively dilated pupils) | |
Phonophobia | Fear of noises, voices, one's own voice or of telephones | |
Phronemophobia | Fear of thinking | |
Phthisiophobia | Tuberculophobia | Fear of tuberculosis |
Placophobia | Fear of tombstones | |
Plutophobia | Chrematophobia | Fear of wealth |
Pneumatiphobia | Fear of spirits | |
Pnigophobia | Pnigerophobia | Fear of choking or being smothered |
Pnumonomicroscopicsilicovolcanocoviosophobia | Fear of a lung disease caused by coal dust | |
Pogonophobia | Pognophobia | Fear of beards |
Poliosophobia | Fear of contracting poliomyelitis | |
Politicophobia | Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians | |
Polonophobia | Hatred of Poles | |
Polyphobia | Having many phobias | |
Ponophobia | Fear of overworking or of pain | |
Porphyrophobia | Fear of the colour purple | |
Potamophobia | Fear of rivers or running water | |
Pharmacophobia | Fear of drugs | |
Proctophobia | Rectophobia | Fear of the rectum or of rectal diseases |
Prosophobia | Fear of progress | |
Psellismophobia | Fear of stuttering | |
Psychophobia | Fear of the mind | |
Pteronophobia | Fear of being tickled by feathers | |
Pupaphobia | Fear of puppets |
Phobia | Alternate Name | Description |
Quadraphobia | Fear of quartets or of being drawn and quartered | |
Quadrataphobia | Fear of quadratic equations | |
Radiophobia | Fear of radiation or X-rays | |
Ranidaphobia | Fear of frogs | |
Retrophobia | Fear of old things or traveling back in time | |
Retterophobia | Fear of wrongly chosen letters | |
Rhabdophobia | Fear of being severely punished or beaten with a rod, or of being severely criticized. Also fear of magic | |
Rhinophobia | Fear of noses | |
Rhodophobia | Fear of the colour red | |
Rhypophobia | Fear of defecation | |
Rhytiphobia | Fear of getting wrinkles | |
Russophobia | Fear of Russians |
Phobia | Alternate Name | Description |
Samhainophobia | Fear of Halloween | |
Satanophobia | Orcusophobia | Fear of Satan |
Scabiophobia | Fear of scabies | |
Scelerophibia | Fear of bad men, burglars | |
Sciophobia, Sciaphobia | Fear of shadows | |
Scoleciphobia | Vermiphobia | Fear of worms |
Scopophobia | Scoptophobia | Fear of being seen or stared at |
Scotomaphobia | Fear of blindness in visual field | |
Scriptophobia | Fear of writing in public | |
Sedatephobia | Fear of silence | |
Selachophobia | Fear of sharks | |
Selaphobia | Fear of light flashes | |
Selenophobia | Fear of the moon | |
Seplophobia | Fear of decaying matter | |
Siderodromophobia | Fear of trains, railroads or train travel | |
Siderophobia | Fear of stars | |
Sinistrophobia | Fear of things to the left of oneself | |
Soceraphobia | Fear of parents-in-law | |
Social Phobia | Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations | |
Sociophobia | Fear of society or people in general | |
Somniphobia | Fear of sleep | |
Sophophobia | Fear of learning | |
Soteriophobia | Fear of dependence on others | |
Spacephobia | Fear of outer space | |
Spamophobia | Fear of Spam | |
Spermatophobia | Spermophobia | Fear of sperm |
Spheksophobia | Fear of wasps | |
Staurophobia | Fear of crosses or crucifixes | |
Stenophobia | Fear of narrow things or places | |
Stephanophobia | Fear of crowns | |
Suriphobia | Fear of mice | |
Symbolophobia | Fear of symbolism | |
Symmetrophobia | Fear of symmetry | |
Syngenesophobia | Fear of relatives |
Phobia | Alternate Name | Description |
Tachophobia | Fear of speed | |
Taeniophobia | Teniophobia | Fear of tapeworms |
Taphephobia | Taphophobia | Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries |
Tapinophobia | Fear of being contagious | |
Taurophobia | Fear of bulls | |
Technophobia | Fear of technology | |
Teleophobia | Fear of definite plans or of religious ceremony | |
Telephonophobia | Fear of telephones | |
Teratophobia | Fear of bearing a deformed child, of monsters or of deformed people | |
Teratrophobia | Fear of monsters | |
Terdekaphobia | Triskaidekaphobia | Fear of the number 13. Having a superstition |
Testophobia | Fear of taking tests | |
Tetanophobia | Fear of tetanus or lockjaw | |
Textophobia | Fear of certain fabrics | |
Thalassophobia | Fear of the sea | |
Thanatophobia | Thantophobia | Fear of death or dying |
Theatrophobia | Fear of theatres | |
Theologicophobia | Fear of theology | |
Theophobia | Fear of gods or religion | |
Thermophobia | Fear of heat | |
Tocophobia | Fear of pregnancy or childbirth | |
Tomophobia | Fear of surgical operations | |
Tonsurephobia | Fear of haircuts | |
Topophobia | Fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright | |
Toxiphobia | Toxophobia Toxicophobia | Fear of poison or of being accidentally poisoned |
Traumatophobia | Fear of injury | |
Tremophobia | Fear of trembling | |
Trichinophobia | Fear of trichinosis | |
Tropophobia | Fear of moving or making changes | |
Turophobia | Fear of cheese | |
Trypanophobia | Fear of injections | |
Trypophobia | Fear of holes | |
Tyrannophobia | Fear of tyrants |
Phobia | Alternate Name | Description |
Uranophobia | Fear of the heavens | |
Urophobia | Fear of urine or urinating | |
Vaccinophobia | Fear of vaccination | |
Vestiphobia | Fear of clothing | |
Virginitiphobia | Fear of rape | |
Vitricophobia | Fear of one's stepfather | |
Vuteuthindion | Fear of picnics | |
Walloonphobia | Fear of the Walloon people or their languages | |
Wiccaphobia | Fear of witches and witchcraft | |
Xanthophobia | Fear of the colour yellow or the word yellow | |
Xenoglossophobia | Fear of foreign languages | |
Xenophobia | Fear of strangers or foreigners | |
Xerophobia | Fear of dryness | |
Xylophobia | Fear of wooden objects or fear of forests | |
Xyrophobia | Fear of razors | |
Ymophobia | Fear of contrariety | |
Zoophobia | Fear of animals |
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